Photo-identification and skin lesion prevalence of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops erebennus) in the waters of New York and New Jersey
Fin whale song characteristics and potential subpopulation identity in the New York Bight
Hardly seen, often heard: acoustic presence of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in one of the most urbanised estuaries in the world
Occurrence of baleen whales in the New York Bight, 1998-2017: insights from opportunistic data
Acoustic presence and vocal activity of North Atlantic right whales in the New York Bight: Implications for protecting a critically endangered species in a human-dominated environment
Murray et al. 2022 Data
Spatiotemporal trends in bottlenose dolphin foraging behavior and relationship to environmental variables in a highly urbanized estuary
Using environmental DNA to detect whales and dolphins in the New York Bight
Baleen whale distribution, behaviour and overlap with anthropogenic activity in coastal regions of the New York Bight
Detections of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) vocalizations on an acoustic sensor in the New York Bight
New York Bight Passive Acoustic Monitoring Data Synthesis Workshop Summary Report